Show Rules
- All products must be handmade in the USA, by the applicant. No buy-sell, consultant, or direct sale booths.
- By applying, you agree to abide by any health and safety guidelines put in place for the event.
- If accepted, submitted pictures may be used to promote the event.
- Checks need to be mailed upon acceptance, and will be cashed 2 months before show date.
- Credit card payments are charged upon acceptance.
- You are responsible for checking your BoothCentral account for number of spaces reserved and requested add-ons.
- Obey all posted parking signs, this includes handicapped parking spaces during load in and load out.
- We supply space only, you need to bring everything you need for your booth including your table and chairs.
- Tables must be covered to the ground on all sides with a tablecloth.
- All products displayed must be listed on your application.
- You must include pictures of work in progress, finished product, and booth display with each application.
- No carts or dollies will be allowed on the show floor prior to closing.
- No early takedowns.
- No canopies or canopy frames allowed at indoor shows without prior approval.
- Exhibitors purchasing electric must supply their own electrical cord.
- Exhibitors must properly dispose of all garbage after takedown.
- No photographing of other exhibitors products or booths allowed.
- No posting of sale signs. Last Chance is an exception to this rule.
- Staking is not allowed at outdoor shows. All canopies must be weighted down with sufficient weights.
- No refunds of show fees within 30 days of the event.
- Sign-ups within 2 weeks of the event must pay by credit card to reserve a space.
- Be kind! Please be courteous and respectful to all customers, fellow exhibitors, and event staff.